There are many scientific events organized by ITN projects. One of them is called "Implementation day" where early-stage researches can show their work to industry representatives. At the first implementation day organized by INFRASTAR at BAST, Germany, we presented a common poster with Sima, ESR11.
Implementation Day 1, BAST, with Sima ESR11
This day brought a good opportunity for me that resulted in a new scientific link between Ifsttar and TUM (Technical University of Munich). One of the invited researchers Marcel Nowak (a PhD student from TUM) appeared to work in the same field as me. After a long discussion in front of our (with Sima) poster, we decided to find an interesting subject for the cooperation. Now, after one year, our work is showing its first results. The common conference paper
"Reliability of a bridge with an orthotropic deck exposed to extreme traffic events"
has been accepted to the conference MMR2019, where I will go this summer to make a presentation.We continue to work together on another conference paper
"Comparison of measured and simulated traffic loading based on BWIM data from the Millau Viaduct"
to be presented by Marcel at the conference IPW2019 and planning to submit a scientific paper to an international journal as a union of both topics.
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Moreover, recently, I have an opportunity to visit the laboratory of the engineering department of TUM, and to see something different. It gave me a chance to meet new people outside the project and helped me to come up with new ideas for the last chapter of my Thesis. The trip itself is a good stress relief after many weeks of concentration on the manuscript writing.
Laboratory of Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, TUM,
with Marcel Nowak
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